Are first impressions really accurate? 人们对他人的第一印象是否准确?-天天热议

2023-05-24 14:47:44 来源:哔哩哔哩



词汇:first impressions 第一印象

Are you a good judge of character? Can you make an accurate judgementof someone's personality based only on your first impression of them? Ironically, the answer liesas much inthem as it does in you.


One of the first people to try to identifygood judges of character was US psychologist Henry F Adams in 1927. His research led him to conclude that people fell intotwo groups – good judges of themselves and good judges of others. Adams's research has been widely criticised since then, but he wasn't entirely wrong about there being two distincttypes.

1927年,美国心理学家亨利·F·亚当斯(Henry F Adams)是最早试图确定品格评判好坏的人之一。他的研究使他得出结论,人可以分为两类——好的自我评价者和好的他人评价者。从那时起,亚当斯的研究受到了广泛的批评,但他关于存在两种不同类型的观点并非完全错误。

More on that in a moment, but first we need to define what a good judge of character is. Is it someone who can readpersonality or someone who can read emotion? Those are two distinct skills. Emotions such as anger or joy or sadness can generateeasily identifiable physical signs. Most of us would probably be able to accuratelyidentify these signs, even in a stranger. As such, most of us are probably good judges of emotion.


In order to be a good judge of personality, however, there needs to be an interactionwith the other person, and that person needs to be a 'goodtarget'. 'Good targets' are people who revealrelevantand useful cuesto their personality. So this means 'the good judge' will only manifestwhen reading 'good targets'. This is according to Rogers and Biesanz in their 2019 journal entitled 'Reassessing the good judge of personality'. "We found consistent, clear and strong evidence that the good judge does exist", Rogers and Biesanz concluded. But their key finding is that the good judge does not have magical gifts of perception– they are simply able to "detectand utiliseinformation providedby the good target".


So, are first impressions really accurate? Well, if you're a good judge talking to a 'good target', then it seems the answer is 'yes'. And now we know that good judges probably do exist, more research can be done into how they read personality, what kind of people they are – and whether their skills can be taught.



good judge of character 善于判别性格的人judgement 判断ironically 具有讽刺意味地lie in (the answer/solution) (答案、解决方法)在于identify 识别fall into 分为distinct 截然不同的,差别明显的read (personality) 读懂(个性)generate 产生identifiable 很容易识别的accurately 准确地interaction 互动good target 可判读的 “好目标”reveal 透露relevant 相关的cue 暗示,线索manifest 显现出来consistent 一致的perception 感知能力detect 发现utilise 利用provide 提供


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Who was one of the first researchers to try and find out if good judges of character exist?

2. True or False? Reading personality and reading emotion are the same thing.

3. Why are most of us probably good judges of emotion?

4. True or False? It's possible to be a good judge of personality just by looking at the other person.

5. How does a 'good target' help make a good judge of character?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. A dog can _______ its owner by their scent alone.

identify                         generate                         target                       manifest

2. It is _______ believed that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

ironically                      as such                           widely                       accurately

3. The new factory will _______ many new jobs.

identify                         fall into                           reveal                        generate

4. Stop talking about that! It's not _______ right now.

distinct                         identifiable                      relevant                    consistent             

5. The human ear cannot _______ certain sounds.  

manifest                       detect                             utilise                        provide     


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. Who was one of the first researchers to try and find out if good judges of character exist?It was Henry F Adams in 1927.

2. True or False? Reading personality and reading emotion are the same thing.False. They are two distinct skills.

3. Why are most of us probably good judges of emotion?Because emotions can generate easily identifiable physical signs that most of us are probably able to accurately identify.

4. True or False? It's possible to be a good judge of personality just by looking at the other person.False. There needs to be an interaction with the other person, and that person needs to be a 'good target'.

5. How does a 'good target' help make a good judge of character?The 'good target' will give useful cues and information about their personality, and the good judge will detect and utilise them. A good judge of character cannot be successful without a 'good target' to read.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. A dog can identifyits owner by their scent alone.

2. It is widelybelieved that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

3. The new factory will generatemany new jobs.

4. Stop talking about that! It's not relevantright now.

5. The human ear cannot detectcertain sounds.  





Are first impressions really accurate? 人们对他人的第一印象是否准确?-天天热议
Are first impressions really accurate? 人们对他人的第一印象是否准确?-天天热议



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